Monday, July 30, 2012

Stop. Push Play.

Finally! The Olympics are here and I couldn't be more excited. The opening ceremony was one for the books and this weekend we have already seen the Olympic spirit come alive with a variety of events and I can't wait for more! So, why are the games we play so important? Why is it that somehow the whole world finds a way to stop tearing itself apart for a few weeks whenever the Olympics or the World Cup rolls around?

The Power of Play
At this year’s Bolder Innovation Forum Stuart Brown talked about the importance of play and recently coauthored a paper on how play can be a competitive advantage in the new creative economy. Here are a few sound bites from both: 

“Play is a vital human activity, as natural as dreaming and as beneficial as sleep.”
“It supercharges learning, helps us relieve stress, and connects us to others.”
“The idea of play is closely related to imagination, inventiveness, and the deep sense of connection.”
“Play is the greatest natural resource in a creative economy.”

SRG at Play
Last weekend, 16 brave SRGers tackled two multiday endurance events: the Epic Relay Race and the Courage Classic Bicycle Tour.
SRG's 2012 Epic Relay Team
This year’s Epic Relay was the biggest and baddest the SRG team has ever done... and I am not at all surprised the team crushed it! Thanks, Shala, for again being our fearless leader. And thanks to all of the SRG warriors (Bryce, Matt, Kevin, Abbas, Shala, Jenny, Jackie, Mickey, Aimee, and Arlynn) for inspiring the rest of the company by testing yourself in the mountains. You are awesome and an inspiration for all of us.

SRG's 2012 Courage Classic Team
The Courage Classic team was also equally impressive and Inke, Shawna, Miguel, Chip, and Jeff were a cycling force! It was also a very moving experience. Every person I passed who had a picture of a loved child on their jersey reminded me how grateful I am that we have our health, our kids, and the Children’s Hospital Colorado. Sometimes when you ride for fun you also ride for others. I drew strength from the kids and the team and was thrilled to cross the finish line representing SRG.
Over the course of the year, two-thirds of the company will play together in some organized way: volleyball, basketball, softball, kickball, soccer, triathlon, running, cycling, and skiing. And all of us will come together in our company summits.  I am really proud that we do these things and continually impressed with the strength, spirit, and great humor that all of you have in spades.

Let the Games Begin!
So,  as you settle in to cheer on the Olympics with the rest of the world, keep in mind the Olympic Creed: 

"The most important thing in the Olympic games is not to win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle. The essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well.”

It is a pleasure to work, play, compete, struggle, achieve, and have fun with all of you. As Jeff, Amy, Alicia, and Rachael reminded us at that the Summer Summit:  Fun is an SRG belief and we all have the opportunity to “make the journey the destination.”

--Buddy Ketchner,

Friday, June 29, 2012

Technology, Talent & Tolerance Ladder up to Creativity

The Daily Beast names Boulder, Ann Arbor, Tucson & More: 
20 Most Creative U.S. Cities

We’ve been talking a lot here at SRG about Creativity and how it is the #1 Leadership Competency driving successful business today.  We’ve referenced the now famous Newsweek article about the “Creativity Crisis in America” and talked about how central innovation and creative thinking have always been to SRG. Excellence and Creativity are our first two beliefs, and have guided everything we’ve done as a company. They have also guided everything we do as a company: insights, strategy, innovation, culinary, advertising, digital, design, client management, and relationship building.
During SRG University last week I was inspired, reminded, and struck by how SRG has always attracted original thinkers who aren’t afraid to look at things differently, try new things, and drive change for some of the biggest, and most demanding companies in the country. I was also reminded of Rick’s mantra of “Doing a little bit extra,”and how that commitment to raising the bar and never accepting “Good enough” has been the secret sauce in turning our ideas into reality.

As we focus on our creativity as a company it feels timely to have our city rated by author, Richard Florida, as the #1 Most Creative City in America.  He has a new book called the “Rise of the Creative Class,” and states that “Creativity has become the fundamental driver of our economy”. Interestingly, the formula he uses to measure creative environments for a metro area is based on three factors:

1. Technology: The ability to create new ideas and inventions
2. Talent: Skilled, ambitious and talented people
3. Tolerance: A non-judgmental environment that is open-minded to new thinking and different kinds of people.
I think these things are true for Boulder and for SRG. In the past, the technology part of SRG’s formula was always the processes and systems we developed to get to great ideas. Today, interactive technology is becoming central to all that we do across all of our practices. Talent and tolerance are also key to SRG’s culture and spirit. We have always had brilliant people with the talent to appreciate and draw on the brilliance of others around them.

Enjoy the article. The world is a crazy place right now and I firmly believe that creativity, and original thinking...energetically applied into action...are the keys to solving the world’s problems.

--Buddy Ketchner,

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Livability: Boulder Named one of America's Best Places to Live

Outside magazine recently named Boulder the "No. 1 Sports Town in America." But even for the average weekend warrior, there's a wealth of recreational opportunity, including rock climbing, kayaking, snow skiing, hiking and biking. It's no wonder Health magazine named Boulder one of "America's 10 Fittest Cities." Boulder's economic climate is healthy as well - defined by a burgeoning entrepreneurial spirit. Home to the University of Colorado-Boulder's Center for Entrepreneurship, the city has spawned such companies as Celestial Seasonings, Noodles & Company and Wild Oats Market.

Read the full article here.

Friday, May 14, 2010

NYT: Boulder, Colorado, a Magnet for High-Tech Start-Ups

Sixty engineers, entrepreneurs and financiers were sipping yerba mate tea at a coffee shop down the street from a bong-and-lingerie store on a recent sunny Tuesday in Boulder, and discussing how Boulder - usually seen as an enclave of hippies, marijuana dispensaries and rock climbers - has become a hotbed of capitalism.

Read the full article here.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Livability: Top 10 Surprising Food Cities

Boulder's growing culinary scene and healthy reputation find a delicious way to bridge the gap between good and good-for-you. At fine dining restaurants like Salt, Black Cat Bistro and Frasca Food and Wine the emphasis is on seasonal, local ingredients - most of which come from  Boulder's well-established farmers markets. Combine that spirit with the town's health-conscious nature - it's won numerous titles as a top vegeterian-friendly dining choice - and it's little wonder The Wall Street Journal recently called Boulder the "best small city for great meals we know of in this country".

Read the full article here.

Monday, September 28, 2009

WSJ: Rocky Mountain Haute Cuisine

This used to be the hippiest, dippiest town around. The home of a Buddhist university, a public university and Red Zinger tea, over a mile high in the Rockies and also just plain high, Boulder embraced New Age culture like few other places. But a new aroma now fills the downtown Pearl Street pedestrian mall, and it comes from truffles and saffron, not cannabis. A gourmet revolution has edged out the cultural revolution.

Read the full article here.

Monday, July 13, 2009

CNN: Best Places to Live

Some towns nestled along the Rockies are full of pretentious eco-hipsters. Not Louisville. Ice cream shops dot the historic downtown. Families grab burgers at the cozy Waterloo Cafe. A Friday-night street fair, with a beer garden, live music, and games for the kids, runs all summer. No wonder this down-to-earth town has appeared high on Money's Best Places list before--and on many others.

Read the full article here.